Seven Lies We Tell Ourselves That Keep Us From Getting Fit

It is human nature to tell ourselves lies, or untruths, in order to resolve the uncomfortable tensions between who we believe we are and how we are behaving. This is a psychological phenomenon known as cognitive dissonance.

We lie to ourselves when we are not honest about our authentic desires. For example we stay stubbornly glued to a specific path in life not because it is really what we want but because it is “safe.” We also lie to ourselves when we avoid responsibilities, citing excuses along the lines of, “it doesn’t really matter anyways”, “I’m stretched too thin already”, “I don’t have any time”, etc.

Sometimes these lies, which subconsciously protect us from discomfort, get in the way of us reaching our highest potential.

Here are some of the untruths we hear quite often in our profession. The good news? If you find that you relate to any of them, there is a team of professionals at RunFit who are ready to help you find the truth!

ONE: It’s just not the right time to change my diet or start working out.

One of my favorite quotes is from Mel Robbins, a New York Times Best Selling Author, Lawyer, Motivational Speaker, Television Host, and Life Coach. “We all bought into this lie that you gotta feel ready in order to change. It’s complete bullshit.” In her book, The Five Second Rule, Robbins says, “There is no ‘right time’ to improve your life. The moment you move you’ll discover your strength. That’s the way to bring the REAL you to the table - by pushing the real you out of your head and into the world. And the best time to do it is right now.” Go Mel. I hear you girl.

TWO: I need to get in shape before I can work with a personal trainer.

We wouldn’t wait for our teeth to get straighter before seeing a dentist, or for our eyesight to improve before purchasing glasses. We wouldn’t wait for our credit cards to be paid off before getting a job, or for pantries to be stocked before going grocery shopping. But for some reason, there is a misconception that we need to be in shape before we can work with a trainer. When you find the right trainer, the person that is in your corner and supporting you every step of the way, you will wish you didn’t wait to get into shape. And if that isn’t convincing, refer back again to number ONE above.

THREE: I have been “perfect” and still haven’t lost weight.

I have to admit I’m guilty as charged here. This is a lie I have allowed myself to believe too many times in my life. Oftentimes, we do come pretty darn close to having a “perfect” routine that should result in weight loss, but we haven’t done it consistently or for long enough. Other times, our brains play tricks on us... we somehow forget about eating brats and drinking beer at the Packers game (Go Pack Go!), the nachos and margaritas at our friend’s birthday party, or pizza night to treat ourselves after long run days. Nobody puts on significant weight in a matter of days, and on the other hand, we cannot expect significant weight loss to occur that quickly either. Telling ourselves we have been perfect when we haven’t, or not giving a good program enough time, can lead us to pick up the bad habits we’ve been trying so hard to break.

FOUR: I’m too old to get back into the shape I was.

Tell this to my 83-year-old client. Or better yet, prove me wrong. You are never too old to take care of yourself and make your health a priority. The longer we wait, the less willing we are to take action. We are taking on new clients, so sign up for your free consultation and assessment at: and let’s see what you got!

FIVE: I can’t afford a personal trainer or gym membership.

This may be true for some. But for most of us, we mindlessly blow through money at some pretty mundane places. It’s crazy how quickly that money adds up to more than cover a gym membership or training session. What comes to mind? Target, Starbucks, Amazon, Costco, that place with the $15 smoothie bowls! If you’re serious about getting into shape, put your money where your priorities are. If you are really interested in kick-starting a new workout routine but don’t think you can afford it, do a little bookkeeping first and you might uncover just what you need to get the ball rolling!

SIX: I could never do what he/she/they are doing to get fit.

By all means, we should always opt-out of activities that are unsafe or create worry and anxiety. There are so many fun ways to get fit and healthy! But we should also never count ourselves out of activities we might enjoy without a little healthy investigation first. We’ll only know what we are really capable of if we give our bodies a chance to prove themselves. You might be surprised by what you’re actually capable of.

SEVEN: I just don’t have a body type that will ever look fit and lean.

It is true that there are many different body types... True Ectomorphs are naturally leaner and are more efficient at metabolizing carbohydrates. Mesomorphs are usually more muscular and do well with an equal balance of all macronutrients. And Endomorphs are naturally a little softer in muscle tone and are the most efficient of all body types at metabolizing fat. Most of us are a combination of multiple body types rather than falling strictly within one of these categories. Regardless, we all have the ability to get lean and fit with the right, customized workout, and nutrition program. Our bodies are complicated machines. Understanding our unique metabolic processes and implementing the right changes can get anyone who is otherwise healthy a fit and lean body.

Far too often, we put our health on the backburner, convincing ourselves that it is necessary, that it is too late to change, or that we are not meant to be fit and healthy. Just think if you flip that way of thinking on its head, and instead say “I MUST prioritize myself,” “Now IS the right time,” or “I AM capable.” You might be surprised just how much you can improve your health (and life!) for the better.

RunFit MKE is a fitness/personal training, running coaching, and nutrition coaching practice designed for anyone who wants to get their body running fit. Whether you are lacing up your shoes to run an upcoming marathon or want to get back into better shape and run errands around town, your journey will be far more enjoyable if your body is agile, flexible, strong, and balanced. Schedule a free consultation with us today.


